Who we are
The Company
maschod GmbH was originally established in 1985 as a small partnership. In that same year, this company adopted a new name and became maschod GmbH, a name under which it has been operating to the present day. Over the years, maschod GmbH has become a leading provider in the field of measurement and balancing technology.
The dynamic development of the company is driven, above all, by a dedicated and highly motivated team, which keeps abreast of technological developments and emerging trends through continuous training.
A tightly organised business structure ensures short response times and maximum flexibility.

Die SystemCERT Zertifizierungsges.m.b.H. certifies that maschod GmbH has introduced and applies a quality management system. In March 2024, maschod Gmbh was certified again for the next three years.

Elisabeth Krämer